Vins Des Verite Distributing LLC is a new company distributing fine wines with an emphasis on biodynamic and organic methods of production. The wines are sourced from groups of small growers and vintners who take particular care in producing some of the world’s best wines at an affordable price point. The target audiences for Vins Des Verite Distributing LLC are restaurants and wine retailers in New Mexico who cater to sophisticated customers who find value in carefully crafted and organic foods and beverages. Although the business of wine distribution is competitive, we believe that there is a place for high-quality, organic and affordable wines. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive line of wines that are made with the care of sustainability, value and top quality not easily found with most wine distributors.

Austin Flick, a certified Sommelier, has extensive wine experience in a restaurant setting. Austin and co-member Ron Mier personally visit with all potential liquor retailers and restaurants. As part of our in depth service, Austin and Ron offer all retailers and restaurants in depth tastings for their employees. Additionally, public wine tastings hosted by retailers are provided by Vins Des Verite Distributing to acquaint the public at large with the unique brands and varieties of wine offered.